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Company • Values and Code of Ethics

Synt3®’s vision and mission.

As a company, we have chosen to determine our growth goals by relying on important and shared values, which make us aware of the responsibilities and relative commitment we have to society and the environmental ecosystem in which we live.




Equity of authority



Our attention to sustainability distinguishes our corporate policy, so we are actively committed to reducing our impact on nature and preserving energy and environmental resources. Following the principles of transparency and fairness, we have collected in our Code of Ethics the main actions we carry out, to prove our active and concrete involvement towards environmental protection.

Our commitment to energy saving

1. Introduction

This code expresses the commitments and ethical responsibilities in the conduct of business and corporate activities by the employees of Synt 3 s.r.l. , be they directors, employees or freelancers.

2. The mission of Synt 3 s.r.l.
Synt 3 s.r.l. is a company that operates in the production, processing and laminating of fabrics and fibrous materials in general and their artifacts. Its mission is to pursue excellence in the provision of goods, to enhance skills and technological innovation, to pursue growth to meet its customers’ requirements, and promote the professional growth of its employees.
A good reputation is an essential resource and encourages customer loyalty, attracts the best human resources, the peace of mind of suppliers and reliability towards its creditors.
Furthermore, Synt 3 s.r.l. requires that all major suppliers act in accordance with the general principles of this Code.
3. Honesty
As part of their work, employees and associates of Synt 3 S.r.l. are required to diligently comply with applicable laws, the code of ethics, the Organizational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 and internal regulations. In no case may the pursuit of the sole company interests justify dishonest conduct .
4. Conflicts of interest
When conducting any kind of activities, conflicts of interests must be avoided. This means that employees must avoid being in situations where participation in organizations and associations might bring an employee to pursue any interest other than the corporate mission. Employees must also refrain from participating in decisions or activities where their own interests might be at stake. In case of doubt, employees are required to consult the supervisors or the President to clarify whether their situation is one that could potentially give rise to a conflict of interests.
5. Confidentiality and privacy
All information not in the public domain relating to their own activities, of which, by reason of their duties, directors, employees or consultants may be aware, are the exclusive property of Synt 3 s.r.l. and may be used only for conducting its business interests. Directors, employees and consultants will duly strive to avoid unnecessary disclosure of such information unless expressly authorized. Synt 3 s.r.l. shall treat any information in its possession with due care and attention with regard to the privacy of the persons concerned. To this end, specific policies and procedures for dutifully handling such information are applied and constantly updated.
6. Gifts and contributions
Directors and employees shall neither require nor accept, for themselves or for others, gifts or other benefits, unless of modest value, from suppliers or competitors or other stakeholders in corporate procurement activities. Employees shall neither accept for personal use, nor possess or enjoy the use of, benefits to which the Purchaser is entitled, in connection with the purchase of goods or services. Those Synt 3 s.r.l. employees who receive gifts or benefits, unless of modest value, are required to notify the Supervisory Body, which will evaluate the appropriateness of the gift. Synt 3 s.r.l. does not make direct or indirect financial contributions to political parties, movements, committees and political organizations and unions, or their representatives, or support them in any way.
7. Purchasing
The activity of acquiring purchase orders will be carried out in respect of respectable economic principles in an unbiased market context and in fair competition with competitors, mindful of the law and regulations. Relations with public and private sector clients are grounded on a sense of responsibility and a spirit of collaboration. No requirements or demands shall be made of customers, unless they shall be duly deemed legitimate and justified.
8. Suppliers
Purchasing and procurement procedures are designed to seek the highest competitive advantage for Synt 3 S.r.l., granting equal opportunities to all suppliers, and abiding by the principles of loyalty and impartiality. In particular, Synt 3 s.r.l. employees shall not exclude any person in possession of the necessary requirements from competing for a contract, and shall adopt objective and documented criteria in the choice of shortlisted candidates.
9. Payments
Synt 3 s.r.l. does not make illegal payments of any kind. Lawful and duly authorized payments must be made promptly and within the correct deadlines, without discriminations that may favor some creditors over others.
10. Relations with governmental bodies
Every relationship with State institutions shall be based exclusively on forms of communication aimed at assessing the administrative and legal implications for Synt 3 S.r.l., and to respond to informal requests as well as formal inspections of the Company. To this end Synt 3 s.r.l. strives to represent the interests and positions of the Company in a transparent, rigorous and consistent manner. In order to ensure maximum transparency in business relations, any communications with institutional stakeholders shall take place exclusively through representatives who have duly been appointed by the Board of Directors.
11. Human Resources
Synt 3 S.p.A. provides equal employment opportunities to all employees on the basis of specific professional qualifications and skills, rejecting any form of discrimination, since the competent company officers select, hire and manage employees on the basis of competence and merit, with no consideration of race, religious creed , sex, age , ancestry, in compliance with the laws and regulations in force. The competent departments shall ensure that the work environment is not only adequate from the point of view of workers’ health and safety, but also free from prejudice, and that each individual is treated with respect, without undue influence and respecting the worker’s moral personality, avoiding duress and undue discomfort . The circulation of corporate information to employees must be adequate, correct and complete.
12. Corporate governance
All Synt 3 employees that are in any way involved in the preparation of financial statements are required to comply with the regulations governing the accuracy and clarity of the data and evaluations. All employees must display earnest and timely cooperation with the Company’s internal audit bodies, for the best possible performance of their tasks. All employees and contractors are required to strictly follow the Model of Organization adopted pursuant to Art. 6 Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. The employees and the associates of Synt 3 s.r.l. who become aware of rigging in the accounting and related documentation are required to report the matter to the Board of Auditors and the Supervisory Board.
13. Environmental protection
Synt 3 s.r.l. promotes the conduct of its business in an environmentally friendly manner, with proper use of available resources. In the performance of their duties the employees of Synt 3 s.r.l. undertake to respect the environment as well as current legislation on environmental protection.
14. Supervisory Body
Synt 3 s.r.l. has adopted a Model of Organization and Control in order to ensure that corporate activities are conducted in compliance with the internal and external regulations governing them. The Model consists of a set of behavioral rules, procedures and methodologies that enable the Organization to effectively address any errors, fraud attempts and risk factors of crimes being committed in the course of company business. The Supervisory Body, specifically appointed, shall undertake to spread knowledge with regard to the Code of Ethics and the Model of Organisation and Control to all employees, directors and independent contractors of Synt 3 s.r.l., as well as to oversee that these are observed by all parties, and are subject to routine amendments in line with applicable legislation. Any violation of the Code of Ethics and the Model shall carry disciplinary sanctions set forth in the current national framework agreement for the Rubber Industry

Registered office: Via Milano 20/a 22036 Erba Como P.IVA, CF e Reg. Imprese: 00228710133
Rea Como: 132458

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